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Aproximadamente 426 resultados
  1. Close Encounters Bibliography

    "Type-1 phenomena in Spain and Portugal : a study of 100 Iberian landings" ...
    05) C.J. Monteiro (1983). "Catalogo de observacoes de humanoides na peninsula
    ... - En caché - Similares
  2. Cuco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... pictured as a
    female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon. [edit] Legend. The
    name of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin America when
    children ... Cuca appears as the villain in some children books by Monteiro
    Lobato. ... - En caché - Similares
  3. 1976 Humanoid Sighting Reports

    Comments: One of the numerous humanoid reports from Spain in that year. There
    are no additional details on the ... Quebrantoes Portugal Date: 1976. Time:
    0400A A Mr. Lima, age 45, was driving when ... Source: Cassiano Monteiro,
    PORTUCAT ... - En caché - Similares
  4. The Magonia Database: 1868-1968 (Complete text)

    The first time, it was a disk-shaped craft with a humanoid figure-the second ... - En caché - Similares
  5. article

    FIRST HUManoid CATalog (FIRSTHUMCAT). Compiled by Luis R. González Manso (Spain)
    article. This is a preliminary census of “first occupant ..... Spain. • 23 April
    1950 – Málaga. PRESS JOKE ... Portugal. • 21 September 1954 – Santa María
    Airport (Azores). 22:40. A guard, Vitorio Lourenço Monteiro saw a craft, 3. ... - En caché - Similares
  6. Cuco

    For the place in São Paulo, Brazil, named after him, see Monteiro Lobato, ...
    Betanzos is a municipality in Galicia, Spain, in the Province of A Coruña. ....
    pictured as a female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon. ... - En caché - Similares
  7. Cuca Folklore

    For the place in São Paulo, Brazil, named after him, see Monteiro Lobato ... - En caché - Similares
  8. El Coco Veracruz

    For the place in São Paulo, Brazil, named after him, see Monteiro Lobato, São
    Paulo. ... 1460 or 1469 – 24 December 1524) was a Portuguese explorer, .....
    pictured as a female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon. Legend.
    The name of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin America when
    ... - En caché - Similares
  9. El Coco

    For the place in São Paulo, Brazil, named after him, see Monteiro Lobato, São
    Paulo. ... For a short time in 1524 he was Governor of Portuguese India under
    the ..... pictured as a female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon
    . Legend. The name of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin ... - En caché - Similares
  10. El Cucuy

    For the place in São Paulo, Brazil, named after him, see Monteiro Lobato, São
    Paulo. ... For a short time in 1524 he was Governor of Portuguese India under
    the ..... pictured as a female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon
    . Legend. The name of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin ... - En caché - Similares
  11. Reptilian Presence

    Fernando José Pinto Monteiro, the Portuguese Attorney General, said on 1 ...
    Método 3 were to continue to follow up information from Spain and Portugal. ... - En caché - Similares
  12. Law Firm In New Britain

    ... group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls ... - En caché - Similares
  13. Towards a Spatial Model for Humanoid Social Robots

    This paper presents an approach to endow a humanoid robot with the capability of
    .... Pedro Mariano Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal ..... to the
    dimensioning of an active surveillance system for the UPC campus at Barcelona,
    Spain. ..... Pedro Ribeiro Andrade, Antonio Miguel Monteiro, Gilberto Câmara ... - Similares
  14. Photovoltaic system planning tool with internet access

    Spanish Government, Ministry of Housing, RD 314/2006 de 17 de marzo, por el ... - Similares
  15. Europass Curriculum Vitae

    Name and address of employer Portugal Telecom Inovação ... Conference on
    Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN'09), Salamanca (Spain), June 2009. ... applied
    to humanoid robotics, In proceedings of 2009 Doctoral Symposium on ...
    Conference “Tecnologia Java para redes móveis”, Eng. Laura Paiva and Eng. Marco
    Monteiro, ... - En caché - Similares
  16. Europass-Curriculum Vitae

    Função ou cargo ocupado Estagiário (Trainee na Portugal Telecom de ... - En caché - Similares
  17. Mobile Robotics Lab

    In "Clawar 2008", Coimbra, Portugal, September 2008. ... Towards an Interactive
    Humanoid Companion with Visual Tracking Modalities. .... Conference of Climbing
    and Walking Robots, Madrid, Spain, 2-4 October 2000. ... F. Monteiro, P. Rocha,
    P. Menezes, A. Silva, J. Dias, "Teleoperating a Mobile Robot - A Solution ... - En caché - Similares

    “Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companion with Visual Tracking Modalities ... - En caché - Similares
  19. 1976

    Catalogue of 200 Type 1:UFO Events in Spain & Portugal,1976 .... À l'intérieur
    de l'objet tenu un humanoid environ 1.90m dans la taille, avec des bras .....
    Addition de HC # source 2827 : Cassiano Monteiro, Type de PORTUCAT : C ... - En caché - Similares
  20. Cuco

    The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... pictured as a
    female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca,
    noticia.aspx? ... The name of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and
    Latin ... Cuca appears as the villain in some children books by Monteiro Lobato.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  21. ufo witness

    Cassiano Monteiro (CEAFI) Mr. Lima,aged 46,was driving when he observed two ...
    Meanwhile he noticed the presence of two humanoids inside the object,one of ....
    Date: Jan 9, 1979 Hour: 6:20 pm Type: DD Location: North of Portugal Source Info
    . .... It flew toward Spain. Date: Aug 24, 1977 Hour: 11:45 am Type: DD ... - En caché - Similares
  22. bogeyman: Definition, Synonyms from

    This is true for many Latin countries, such as Spain, Portugal, .... cucuy as a
    small humanoid with glowing red eyes that hides in closets or under the bed. ...
    The Cuca is also a character of Monteiro Lobato's Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, ... - En caché - Similares
  23. Mr. Sandman | SpanishDict Answers

    2 Jun 2011 ... In Spain, parents will sing lullabies or tell rhymes to children, ... their
    brownish hairy surface reminded Portuguese explorers of coco, a ghost with a
    pumpkin head. ... legend describes El cucuy as a small humanoid with glowing red
    ... The Cuca is also a character of Monteiro Lobato's Sítio do ... - En caché - Similares
  24. Mufon Ufo Journal

    ... A Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p 44, ...... and
    "Humanoids In the Iberian Peninsula" by Cassiano Jose Monteiro of CNIFO, ... - En caché - Similares
  25. Oral Session

    Taiwan Czech Republic Korea China Indonesia China Spain China Korea ... - En caché - Similares
  26. Portuguese_ A Linguistic Introduction - Milton Mariano Azevedo

    In the process of settling border disputes with Spain, Portugal has kept ... - En caché - Similares
  27. Were you ever afraid of El Cuco? (Latino Culture Lives At Sofrito ...

    9 Jul 2009 ... The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... pictured as a
    female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, [3] a dragon. [edit]. Legend.
    The legend of the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin ... Cuca
    appears as the villain in some children books by Monteiro Lobato. ... - En caché - Similares

    D. Portugal and R.Rocha - "Partitioning Generic Graphs into k Balanced Subgraphs
    " - In ..... J. Monteiro and R. Rocha. “Robust Digital Control for Differential
    ... Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companion with Visual Tracking Modalities.
    ..... and Inertial Sensors - 2nd InerVis, Barcelona, Spain, April 18, 2005. ... - En caché - Similares
  29. mypubs

    In “Clawar 2008”, Coimbra, Portugal, 9 2008. ... Humanoid Robots, chapter
    Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companion with .... In “3rd International
    Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots”, Madrid - Spain, 2-4 October 2000.
    ... [29]: Fernando Monteiro, Pedro Rocha, Paulo Menezes, Arlindo Silva, and
    Jorge Dias. ... - En caché - Similares
  30. ICAR 2003

    Guillem Alenyà (France), Elisa Martínez, Carme Torras (Spain). Coffee Break (
    15.40 - 16.00) .... E. Bicho, L. Louro, N. Hipólito, S. Monteiro and W. Erlhagen
    (Portugal) .... Biologically-Inspired/Humanoid Robotics 1 ... - En caché - Similares
  31. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

    6 Sep 2010 ... Luis Gomes, Portugal Registration Chair María J. Moure, Spain ..... Monteiro,
    Manoel Aguiar 12:10 Sensorless Position Control using Adaptive Wavelet Neural
    Network for .... humanoid robot. Dmitry Kaynov, Carlos Balaguer ... - En caché - Similares
  32. Oral Session

    17 Apr 2010 ... 2 SF-000469 Distributed Resources Standards: the case of ... - En caché - Similares
  33. Archives for UFO Research (AFU)

    Volume III: Russia and Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Latin America. .....
    Monteiro, Cassiano José: Catálogo de observacôes de humanóides na penIínsula ... - En caché - Similares
  34. Ph.D. Thesis

    12 Jan 2006 ... Oporto, Portugal: Publindústria (ISBN972-8953-00-3) 369 pp., 2005. .....
    Barcelona, Spain, September 2005. ..... Santos, V. & Silva, F.: Engineering
    solutions to build an inexpensive humanoid robot based on a distributed .....
    Vaz, M. A., Monteiro, J. M., Silva Gomes, J. F., Simões, J. A., 2005, ... - En caché - Similares
  35. Attractor dynamics approach to formation control

    Authors: Sérgio Monteiro, Dep. Industrial Electronics, University of Minho,
    Guimares, Portugal 4800-058 .... Barcelona, Spain. 34. Hao, Y., & Agrawal, S. (
    2005). ..... candidate for applications where anthropomorphism is required, e.g.
    in humanoids or generally in cases where robotic arms interact with humans. ... - Similares

    Portugal. Eduardo Camacho. Universidad de Sevilla. Spain. Raja Chatila. LAAS/
    CNRS .... Hugo Alonso Monteiro. Carlos Silva. João Paulo Carvalho .....
    artificial systems (including humanoids robots). He was the principal ... - En caché - Similares
  37. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction - HCI International ...

    Jose Coelho, Carlos Duarte, University of Lisbon, Portugal. ... An Experimental
    Study of the Use of Multiple Humanoid Robots as a Social Communication Medium
    ... Jon Azpiroz, Vodafone Spain Foundation, Spain; Juan Bautista Montalvá
    Colomer, María Fernanda .... Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro, Clarisse Sieckenius De
    Souza, ... - En caché - Similares
  38. Tuesday, 12 July 2011 - HCI International 2011

    Mario Macedo, IPT, Portugal; Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta, Portugal. ... - En caché - Similares
  39. Albiez, Jan <i>(Dr.-Ing.)</i>: DFKI Bremen - Robotics Innovation ...

    ... Röhl, Henrik, Riekenberg, Bettina, Rodrigues Monteiro, Helen, Sagurna, Robin
    .... In Proceedings of the HLR 2006, French-German Workshop on Humanoid and
    Legged ... Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), Madrid, Spain,
    2004. ... on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), pages 1737-1742, Coimbra, Portugal, 2003.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  40. Kirchner, Frank <i>(Prof. Dr. rer. nat.)</i>: DFKI Bremen ...

    22 Feb 2011 ... Biologically Inspired Locomotion in Humanoid Robots ... - En caché - Similares
  41. Kirchner, Frank <i>(Prof. Dr. rer. nat.)</i>: DFKI Bremen ...

    Robust Control of a Humanoid Robot Using Bio-Inspired Approach Based on ... - En caché - Similares
  42. ICIT'03 International Conference on Industrial Technology

    IN2_1: Humanoid and its Potential Applications ... Technical University of
    Catalonia, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Terrassa, Spain ... Portugal, (2)
    University of Coimbra, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal
    .... Helder Carvalho (1), Ana Rocha (1), Joao L. Monteiro (2), Luis F. Silva (3)
    ... - En caché - Similares
  43. Intelligent Robotics

    Portugal robosoccer teams, that regularly compete in four of these leagues (2D
    .... It will also use humanoid platforms (Nao, Bioloid, Robonova) and mobile
    robotic .... André Monteiro Oliveira Restivo, Oct2006 ; Darya Alexandrovna
    Barteneva, .... AAMAS'2007 (Hawai, USA), ASM'2007 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain),
    ... - En caché - Similares
  44. ASBGroup - Adaptive System Behaviour Group | Main / Publications

    3 fev. 2009 ... Pedro Rodrigues, Manuel Ferreira, and João Monteiro. ... Vila Real, Portugal: 21
    – 23 Julho, 2008 ... In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
    ISIE 2007, June 2007, Vigo, Spain. ... Auke Ijspeert, "Movement generation using
    dynamical systems : a drumming humanoid robot", ... - En caché - Similares
  45. "Passport to Magonia," the Complete Listings-UFO Casebook Files

    The first time, it was a disk-shaped craft with a humanoid figure-the second
    time, cigar shape with three figures. ..... 02, 1953 Villares des Saz (Spain).
    Approximate date. ..... The witness, Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro, said a figure
    emerged from the craft and ... 24, 1954 Almaseda, near Castelibranco (Portugal).
    ... - En caché - Similares

    ISR – Torre Norte, IST, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049‐001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL. Fax: 351‐21
    ‐8418291 .... Spain. iCub and friends: a workshop for open source robotics”,
    held with IEEE Humanoids 2010, Nashville, Tennesse, December 2010. ......
    Porteiro Filipe M, Gui M. Menezes, Pedro Afonso, João Gama Monteiro & Ricardo.
    ...órios/LA_Act_Report_2010.pdf - En caché - Similares
  47. 2008 - ISR - Publications

    Portugal. Friday, 17 th of June of 2011 | 18:35 ..... Alexandre Bernardino ... - En caché - Similares
  48. Sistemas Trombinoscope - Experience professionnelle,Email ...

    Camila Maria Monteiro... Analista de Sistemas. OBJETIVO, , Contribuir e aplicar
    a .... Baltazar is a humanoid robot torso built at Instituto de Sistemas e . ...
    Agrandir l'image. Necesito ingeniero de sistemas Offer Barcelona Spain 3000€
    ..... EAO - Portugal Arquitectura - Sistemas McDonald's Portugal - Oeiras ... - Similares
  49. magonia database

    (Humanoids 2; Magonia; FRS 67, 1) 64 1948 Swastika (Canada). Mr. Galbraith twice
    saw an ob- ject land. ..... 02, 1953 Villares des Saz (Spain). Approximate date.
    An il- 1300 literate boy cowherd, ..... The witness, Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro,
    said ... 24, 1954 Almaseda, near Castelibranco (Portugal). Cesar Car- ... - En caché - Similares
  50. Conference Guide

    Luis Gomes, Portugal. Publication Chair. María D. Valdés, Spain ..... Monteiro,
    Manoel Aguiar. 12:10 Sensorless Position Control using Adaptive Wavelet Neural
    Network for PM .... humanoid robot. Dmitry Kaynov, Carlos Balaguer ... - Similares
  51. ufo sightings eengrote glimps in het totaal plaatje | The Truth is ...

    30 Sep 2004 ... with a humanoid figure-the second time, cigar shape with three figures. (Quincy)
    ..... 02, 1953 Villares des Saz (Spain). Approximate date. An il- 1300 literate
    boy cowherd, ..... The witness, Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro, said ... 24, 1954
    Almaseda, near Castelibranco (Portugal). Cesar Car- ... - En caché - Similares
  52. ufo sightings eengrote glimps in het totaal plaatje | The Truth is ...

    with a humanoid figure-the second time, cigar shape with three figures ... - En caché - Similares
  53. CB Tokio Hotel: New Video - Humanoid City LIVE EPK

    23 jul. 2010 ... HUMANOID CITY LIVE em 2º lugar no Top de vendas na. .... Animações - "Welcome to
    Humanoid City" tour · Mel Monteiro e os Tokio .... Mensagem dos TH para Portugal
    ! ... Universal Music Spain Newsletter - Chega o segundo. ... - En caché - Similares
  54. gary petersenThe 20x200 Blog : Search : 20x200 Blog

    Untitled (I'm an island of such great complexity) by Mike Monteiro Tonight
    Friday, November 20, 2009, Jen Bekman Gallery will open Mixtape, ... - En caché - Similares
  55. William CrumpThe 20x200 Blog : Search : 20x200 Blog

    Untitled (I'm an island of such great complexity) by Mike Monteiro Tonight ... - En caché - Similares
  56. limited edition printsThe 20x200 Blog : Search : 20x200 Blog

    25 Apr 2011... · http://www.starnstudio ... - En caché - Similares
  57. Fool's Planet Map: Global participatory "Fool's World Map" project

    The Basque Country IS Spain and Portugal obviously IS NOT Spain. ...... In
    honour of the singing revolution, we need some humanoids holding hands through
    all the battle states! ...... Posted by: Mike Monteiro at August 4, 2004 07:20
    PM ... - En caché - Similares
  58. The Magonia Database: Complete-UFO Casebook, UFO Case files ...

    The first time, it was a disk-shaped craft with a humanoid figure-the second
    time, cigar shape with three figures. ..... 02, 1953 Villares des Saz (Spain).
    Approximate date. ..... The witness, Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro, said a figure
    emerged from the craft and ... 24, 1954 Almaseda, near Castelibranco (Portugal).
    ...,Vallee-Magonia.htm - En caché - Similares
  59. A Ufologia nos projetos pedagógicos das instituições de ensino

    ...... A CATALOGUE OF 200 TYPE–I UFO EVENTS IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL ...ções+e+Obras+Sobre+Ufologia.doc - Similares
  60. Simplemente Bella. - Fotolog

    17 Nov 2009 ... herwi's photo from 6/24/11. 11 hours ago. herwi · Altea, Valenciana, Spain. »
    View all Friends/Favorites ... labiosdefrutas said on 11/18/09 12:41 PM.
    ATENSOAN! HUMANOIDES!!! hola! ... Autor Pedro Monteiro Simplesmente bellisima!
    ..... - Mario Rainho - Portugal ... - En caché - Similares
  61. Active Research Topics in Human Machine Interfaces

    [Monteiro, Rocha, Menezes, Silva, & Dias 1997] and [Salazar-Silva, Martinez-
    Garcia, .... Humanoid robot research was recently invigorated through Brooks [
    Brooks & Stein 1993] in the ..... Herriko Unibertsitatea, Donostia, Spain).
    Interfacing users with very ..... Portugal. 1999 Jul 21-1999 Jul 24; ISSN:
    0780357043. ... - En caché - Similares
  62. ieee andescon & latincom 2010

    perspectives: artificial motion for humanoid robots, vi ..... Edmundo Monteiro.
    Edmundo Monteiro is Associate Professor with Habilitation at the ... Engineering
    of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, from where she .... Spain, China and
    India each has over 10000 MW of installed wind generation capacity. ... - En caché - Similares
  63. Human Centred Systems Group | Department of Computer Science ...

    In J. L. Monteiro, P. M. C. Swatman & L. Valaderes Tavares: Towards the ...
    Proceedings 2nd IFIP Conference on e-commerce, e-business, e-government (I3E),
    Oct 7-9, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. ... Impact of Eye Gaze on Communication using
    Humanoid Avatars. in J. Jacko, ... 21-23 September, Madrid, Spain 1999, pp. 78-
    90. ... - En caché - Similares
  64. UCL-CS InfSec: Angela's Publication List

    In J. L. Monteiro, P. M. C. Swatman & L. Valaderes Tavares: Towards the ... - En caché - Similares
  65. OINM

    countries comprising Latin America, Spain and Portugal. The sum of 40000 Euros
    will be shared between the selected projects. ...... Marko Monteiro, "Molecular
    representations ..... Animated humanoid (avatars),virtual life,body and mind ... - En caché - Similares
  66. FOSSELAUMASEREIA: China anuncia olimpíadas de robôs humanóides ...

    6 nov. 2009 ... China anuncia olimpíadas de robôs humanóides para 2010. A CHINA OU O JAPÃO,
    NESTA DE ROBOTS VAI DAR CARTAS, ... English French German Spain Italian Dutch
    .... Treino de morteiro... ► Fevereiro (5) ... HORAS EM PORTUGAL ... - En caché - Similares
  67. International Conference on Computational Intelligence for ...

    J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain ... Maria João Viamonte,
    Inst. Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal ... Oscar Luiz Monteiro de
    Farias, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil ... We have humanoid robots but
    nothing that can compare in agility with that of a four year old child. ... - En caché - Similares
  68. FCT Relatório Científico 2008 [Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica ...

    ... loops and high level imitation and plan execution for advanced humanoid(-
    like) robots; .... National Director of the CARNEGIE MELLON | PORTUGAL program -
    Isabel Ribeiro: ... Computer Engineering and Automation; Spain 15- Instituto do
    Mar; ..... [ISBN: 978-82-7072-725-4] Monteiro, J., C. Almeida, R. Freitas, ... - Similares
  69. Cuca (folklore) : Reference (The Full Wiki)

    The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... pictured as a
    female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon. Legend. The name of
    the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin America when children
    disobey ... Cuca appears as the villain in some children books by Monteiro
    Lobato. ... - En caché - Similares
  70. Cucuy : Reference (The Full Wiki)

    The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... - En caché - Similares
  71. how insensitive fernando lice tab

    Description: Depraved girl paired with a huge wood-lice, and then with humanoid
    and then gave birth to. Year: 2010. Country: who knows) ... - En caché - Similares
  72. Who is Gabriella Motta - (828) 963-4073 - Boone - NC -

    ... 58.00 LorenaCristiane Vieira da Silva, 57.00 Luciana Monteiro de Barros Reis
    , .... Xicu Ramón Marí (Ibiza-Spain). 162.-Ana Viñas Torres (Ibiza-Spain) 163.
    ... humanóides) pelo equilíbrio da nossa Mãe Terra que definha devastada, ... - En caché - Similares
  73. Who is Alexandra Tapia - (201) 339-8336 - Bayonne - NJ -

    Xicu Ramón Marí (Ibiza-Spain). 162.-Ana Viñas Torres (Ibiza-Spain) 163. ... - En caché - Similares
  74. Who is Gabriel Aldana - (562) 961-3709 - Signal Hill - CA -

    ... C.L.R. DOS SANTOS 111 - João Gabriel M. Gasparotto 112 - Vitor Alexandre ... - En caché - Similares
  75. Home page of Adelardo A Dantas de Medeiros

    1 dez. 2005 ... Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 09/2008. Aires, Kelson R.T.; Araújo, Hélder J.; ...
    Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 08/2008. Santana, André M.; Souza, Anderson A.S.;
    ... of a Humanoid Robot Using Images from an Mobile Extern Camera. .... Tavares,
    D.; Burlamaqui, A.; Dias, A.; Monteiro, M.; Antunes, V.; Tho, ... - En caché - Similares
  76. Pagina pessoal de Adelardo A Dantas de Medeiros

    Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 09/2008. Aires, Kelson R.T.; Araújo, Hélder J.; ... - En caché - Similares
  77. LEMA Publicações

    ... José Teixeira, Rui Silva, Rosália Monteiro, Patrícia Moreira, João Paulo
    Meixedo, ... on Forest Fire Research, 15-18 November 2010, Coimbra, Portugal.
    ... Conference on Higher Education, November 2010, Barcelona, Spain. .... C.
    Pinto, A New Architecture for the Central Pattern Generator of a Humanoid Robot,
    ... - En caché - Similares
  78. NLBIF : Zoekresultaten

    Its territory across Spain and Portugal had already started shrinking in the
    19th ...... Dr Katy Prudic, and her postdoctoral advisor, Dr Antónia Monteiro,
    .... is hired to chase down and 'retire' biologically engineered humanoids ... - En caché - Similares
  79. Daniel Dias Silva | Facebook

    COM, Adam Sandler, Allah (c.c), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Uzungöl, Trabzonspor,
    Swatch Portugal, INDILINX, Innovation Line, The Roxy Theatre, FAQInformatica,
    ... - En caché - Similares
  80. The role of emotion in believable agents

    ... All robots are not created equal: the design and perception of humanoid
    robot heads, .... Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, May 12-16, 2008,
    Estoril, Portugal .... Sueli Bandeira Teixeira Mendes , Oscar Luiz Monteiro de
    Farias, ... in computer entertainment technology, June 15-17, 2005, Valencia,
    Spain ... - En caché - Similares
  81. Cempaka Global Hotspots: February 2010

    Euro zone countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal are under increasing
    pressure to ...... Kalmyk governor leaks classified information to 'humanoid'
    aliens ... Brazil's former Air Force minister Sócrates Monteiro admits Ufos are
    real ... - En caché - Similares
  82. Cempaka Global Hotspots: Italy joins euro austerity drive

    ... in spending measures have already been announced by Greece, Spain and
    Portugal. ...... Kalmyk governor leaks classified information to 'humanoid'
    aliens ... Brazil's former Air Force minister Sócrates Monteiro admits Ufos are
    real ... - En caché - Similares
  83. Cuco | Encyclopedia

    13 Jun 2011 ... The myth of the coco originated in Portugal and Galicia. ... pictured as a
    female humanoid alligator from Portuguese coca, a dragon. Legend. The name of
    the Cuco is widely used by parents in Spain and Latin America when ... Cuca
    appears as the villain in some children books by Monteiro Lobato. ... - En caché - Similares
  84. List of U.S. Army bases in Texas 8.992041593587595 - Carnegie ...

    ... Jordan Queen Sofía of Spain Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned Haakon,
    ..... Steve Gallacci science fiction Sentience humanoid mammal avian felidae
    ..... Miloslavskis Latvia Dominik Koll Austria Luis Monteiro Portugal Łukasz
    ... - Similares
  85. Type of Work: Book Section - PubliCAT

    In: Rhetoric and Reality in Early Modern Spain. Tamesis, Woodbridge, pp. ......
    Wang, G and Lipmaa, H and Bao, F and Caires, L and Italiano, GF and Monteiro,
    ..... In: Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and
    Control ...... The University of Aveiro, Portugal. Benzmuller, C and Sorge, ... - Similares
  86. 【合集】MichaelDing 的个人文集(2007.1.28) - 饮水思源

    It is the center of one of the denominations of origin of wine in Spain ......
    on Computers in Education that is held alternately in Spain and Portugal. ......
    Carlos Figueiredo Maria Teresa Monteiro Contact For further information see
    ...... graphics virtual environments o Animated humanoids and complex reactive
    ...,board,Paper,file,M.1172664703.A.html - Similares
  87. 【合集】MichaelDing 的个人文集(2007.3.1) - 饮水思源

    It is the center of one of the denominations of origin of wine in Spain ...,board,Paper,file,M.1173598732.A.html - Similares
  88. 【合集】MichaelDing 的个人文集(2006.12.17) - 饮水思源

    It is the center of one of the denominations of origin of wine in Spain ... - En caché - Similares
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  90. Chronology of Latin American Science Fiction, 1775-2005

    magazine Nueva dimension, edited in Spain from 1968 to 1982, ... benefit of
    those who do not read Spanish or Portuguese, we have included a ...... from
    Outerspace, 1963] by Jeronimo Monteiro, portray the threat of nuclear war and
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  91. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology ...

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    Carvalho (l), Ana Rocha (l), Joao L. Monteiro (2), Luis F. Silva (3) ... - Similares
  92. Dec 11 [html version] - MY CATALOGUE

    ... within the King's own household to seize power by secret alliance with Spain
    . .... The evidence he discovers may implicate journalist Sarah Monteiro, ...
    Luis Miguel Rocha was born in Oporto, Portugal, and worked for many years ....
    they battle themselves, humans and a plague that is targeting all humanoids .
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  93. Kappa Crucis Em Processo De Composição Para O Novo Álbum « Progshine

    27 Apr 2011 ... “O quarteto transmite uma autenticidade e, principalmente, um entrosamento
    invejáveis”, publicou Antonio Carlos Monteiro em fevereiro de ... - En caché - Similares
  94. PT | EN - FCT — R&D Projects

    ... Juan Antonio Rodriguez: The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute,
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    This is true for many Latin countries, such as Spain , Portugal , Brazil and the
    .... a small humanoid with glowing red eyes that hides in closets or under the
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